Category: family

  • Fish and Rice

    Cook a meal from scratch. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is dinner for two. Cook it from scratch. Using raw ingredients. A simple meal is best e.g. pizza, soup, hamburgers etc.



  • 1kg hoki skinless fillets (skin off)
  • crushed garlic
  • butter
  • 1 lemon
  • lemon juice
  • 2 cups rice
  • broccoli
  • water
  • salt and pepper


  1. Put the oven on 220’C
  2. Make aluminium foil sheets about 40cm long (5)
  3. Put one piece of thawed fish on each sheet (the left over fish can be used to even up the amounts)
  4. Put a teaspoon of garlic on each
  5. Put a teaspoon of butter on each
  6. Squeeze a squirt of lemon juice on each
  7. Salt and pepper each one
  8. Cut the lemon thinly and put even amounts of lemon on each fish
  9. Carefully fold the parcels up (totally closed with no holes to steam fish) Place in oven dish and put in oven
  10. Now the rice. 2 cups of rice in microwave rice cooker with 4 cups of water
  11. Put in microwave and press ‘RICE’
  12. When the microwave beeps take rice out, stir and add broccoli, put lid on and put back in the microwave.
  13. When rice finishes (microwave beeps again) take out rice and broccoli and dish onto plates.
  14. Take fish out (about 20min in oven) and slide it out onto the rice.
  15. EAT with people that you love.

  • Stop junk mail! A pizza flyer? For me? You shouldn’t have…….No. I mean it . You shouldn’t have. You see, every year two million trees are cut down to make the junk mail we get through our doors in Australia.

By having a PO Box we automatically stop junk mail, but it also means no council pic-up which mean we have to find other ways to get rid of junk furniture and appliances.

  • Read a story to a young child. This is a particularly enjoyable activity will provide untold joy to a young child (and they may even repay the favour one day).
  • Make someone smile (the more people the better!) remember it takes half as many muscles to smile than it does to frown.

Today I read a story to Violet and Harriet…… well not really I read them a chapter of  ‘Morgen the Monday fairy’. It was fun and it made them smile.

Walk a parent.

  • Walk a parent. like dogs, grown-ups get cranky when they stay indoors all day long. Unlike dogs, who walk an average 1088 km per year, parents walk just 318. Keep them off the furniture and take a grown-up for a walk!

Last night I walked my mum and my younger sister up to a High School meeting at school. It was fun and we got to walk back too.

Why don’t you try it too?

off the internet

Image from homewardbound.