Tag Archive: teacher

  • Stand up for something. If a friend was being bullied you could wait for someone else to do something. If your school wasn’t recycling, you could wait for the principal to do something. If the planet was heating up, you could wait for the government to do something. Don’t wait! Speak up. Change the world. Starting from now.
  • Make someone smile (the more people the better!) Remember, it takes half as many muscles to smile as it does to frown.

There is a group of girls at school who have a circle which if you come in it uninvited (and invited sometimes) they say something nasty. Personally, I have been called fat, gay, lesbian, bossy and ugly by these girls at different times. I have learnt to stay away from them.

My friend was having some trouble making friends and some girls were asking her  nasty questions.  I comforted her when the Deputy Principal was talking to her and some of her other friends. I didn’t really say much but I hope that was enough. She plays with me and my friends most of the time now and that makes her smile…… and me.

Photo by Remi (my sister)

A couple of days ago my teacher Mr Kay gave me my homework, spelling, mentals and…… two sheets…….

The title….Change the world!

The sheets consisted of 14 suggestions of little things, like take shorter showers and make someone smile. It also had a couple of suggestions on how to present your work like a diary, scrapbook, tables(boring) and ….. a blog!

So blog gets A+ and everthing else (especially tables) gets F-.

I am going to do around one thing a day and do (hopefully “gulp”) one post a day.

I hope you enjoy reading about my attempt to change the world.

(you could join in too…… if you do tell me about it in the comments)

by Bronte